I know nothing about sea shells and sea creatures. But collecting from the beach and showing what we found was my “hobby” while camping on KZN beaches in May 2021.
If you can identify them, want to comment or share knowledge, send me a message and I will include your contribution on this page with a link to your website or social media profile.

I found this specimen of what I think is a tube worm “shell” on the beach at Rocky Bay, KZN on 29 May 2021. Dimensions. Left image (bottom): 60mm wide X 65mm tall — Right image (top): 65mm wide X 60mm tall.
Click above the text to enlarge image

45 X 25mm

45 X 25mm

Shell Collectors of South Africa
I found the shell collectors society, Shell Collectors of South Africa, online, and bought their poster “Seashells of South Africa”.
I met with their treasurer, Maurice Evans, and we had an interesting discussion. If you need something to keep the grandchildren busy over the summer holidays, let them collect and identify seashells. Maurice specializes in inland shells such as snail shells, and he is a great source of information.
You can find all contact info on their website (open in new tab) and can also order the poster from the site.